The truth is that it might be difficult to determine exactly what causes an issue with environmental health. Environmentally-related health issues are complicated and arise for a number of causes, including a person’s propensity for certain diseases or conditions based on their DNA (scientists call this genetic susceptibility). What is certain is that physical, biological, and even economic variables are probably connected to an environmental health issue.

Environmental health issues can be caused by the way the body functions, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we consume, and the homes, buildings, and neighborhoods in which we live and work. Listed below are a few probable causes of environmental health issues:

Air pollution is a combination of natural and artificial pollutants that can be found both indoors and outside, and it can range from ozone to e-cigarette smoke to wildfire smoke.

Flame retardants: Hundreds of chemicals are used in furniture, electronics, and other consumer goods to assist stop the spread of fires.

People can be exposed to lead through old paint, tainted water and soil, ceramics, and even household dust.

Nanomaterials: Because their tiny particles are used in several consumer goods such as structures, gadgets, and materials, engineered nanomaterials are a source of worry.

Perfluorinated chemicals: These substances are used to make items stain, water, and grease resistant as well as to aid minimize friction.

Smoke: One cigarette contains hundreds of pollutants, including lead, arsenic, and formaldehyde.

Pesticides: These substances eliminate, deter, or manage pests such as weeds, fungi, and insects.

Numerous environmental factors may be linked to diseases like cancer, asthma, or Parkinson’s disease, according to scientists. However, it’s not only the exposure that counts: The way the body functions can be altered by a potential environmental impact on health, but these changes can be good or ill and are extremely individualized depending on genes and circumstances.

A problem with environmental health can also be due to not obtaining enough of something positive, even while exposure to some toxins is unhealthy. Pesticides have been linked to autism, but evidence indicates that inadequate folic acid intake during pregnancy may also play a role. All pregnant women should take folic acid to avoid neural tube problems in their unborn children, but it can also guard against autism.

Economics should also be taken into account because it has a significant impact on how long-term outcomes of disease, illness, and disability pan out. For instance, autism has been linked to an immunological response in mothers, which researchers hope will one day make it possible to detect the disorder even before a kid is born. Children with autism may benefit from very early intervention, but only if their families have access to high-quality medical care.

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