Shea nuts from the shea tree are processed to produce shea butter, a natural vegetable fat. It may be good for the skin and hair in addition to being appropriate for cooking.

Shea butter is used mostly for the following purposes, according to the Center for the Promotion of Imports:

treatments for the hair
moisturizing creams for the body and face, anti-aging, and anti-wrinkle goods
remedies for dry scalp in the hair
This is a result of its anti-inflammatory and hydrating qualities.

We examine the advantages of shea butter for the skin in this post.

Shea butter is an ingredient in many moisturizing goods that may be bought.

As an alternative, shea butter can be applied straight to the skin and left on until it is fully absorbed.

Another option is:

Use it as a shaving cream substitute.
Put it on your lips.
Use it on the cuticles of the nails.
Shea butter includes substances like triterpenes, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, according to a 2018 article from Trusted Source.

These substances come in a category that might help with:

cell proliferation, which is the process by which cells multiply and expand, collagen deposition, and cell migration
Some data points to shea butter’s potential as a wrinkle-fighting agent.

Dry skin
Emollient describes shea butter. Shea butter acts as an emollient, which helps the skin retain moisture.

After drying off, the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) advises applying products like shea butter as soon as possible.

Linoleic acid is also present in shea butter.

Research from 2018 indicates

According to Trusted Source, linoleic acid-containing products have anti-inflammatory and moisture-boosting benefits on the skin.

Shea butter for eczema has anti-inflammatory qualities due to the bioactive components it contains.

2015’s brief study

Shea butter may help ease the signs and symptoms of eczema, according to a Trusted Source study of 25 adults with mild-to-moderate eczema.



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