Have you ever wondered that a rose flower can actually shower you with numerous health benefits that you ever thought of? This flower exerts a positive effect on your body, mind and skin and has been used since ancient times. Apart from being a well-known beauty ingredient, you can use rose petals to spice up your sexual life, combat stress and lose weight naturally. Yes, it s true, here s how you can reap its wonderful health and beauty benefits.

1. Aids in weight loss

The rose petals contain compounds that improve metabolism in addition to clearing toxins from the body, thereby aiding in weight loss. Apart from this, eating a handful of rose petals satiates your senses and prevents you from eating more and thus, helps you lose weight in a natural way.

2 Acts as a natural aphrodisiac

Roses are not only a universal symbol of love but also a natural aphrodisiac. According to Ayurveda, rose petals are very effective in helping a person feel sexually active by acting on two essential doshas in our body, which in turn regulate heart, mind and the nervous system.

3. Helps to combat symptoms of piles

Yes, you read it right. Rose petals act as a natural aid to treat piles. This is because, they are rich in fibre and water content and contain compounds that aid in digestion by flushing out toxins from the body. Moreover, they are quite effective against bleeding piles and act as an instant aid to combat pain.

4. It’s a well-known astringent

Rosewater helps treat skin irritation on sensitive skin, balances out oily skin, softens and tones the skin. Along with being a good choice as an astringent, it serves as a great deep cleanser and toner and thus, make you look younger, naturally. As rose petals contain antioxidants and antibacterial compounds, they soothe the skin, providing relief from excessive irritation and itching.

5. Used to treat acne naturally

If you are suffering from acne and are looking out for some natural aids to deal with it, then rosewater might help you out. Apart from being a good moisturiser, rose petals contain antibacterial properties helps to dry the acne. Also the presence of phenyl ethanol, an antiseptic compound, makes rosewater effective against acne.

6.Lightens your lip colour

Roses exert a stunning effect on your lips. They not only lend a pinkish hue to your lips but also make them soft as they moisturise the skin and enhance colour. Moreover, rose petals exfoliate your lips and make them look fuller.

7. Rose can boost your mood

Studies have shown that roses have mood-boosting and stress relieving properties. Traditionally, relief for a cranky mood was to inhale rose vapour from the tea. Today, the uplifting qualities of rose can be felt by sipping on the fragrant bloom. The natural aromatics encourage calm, relieve stress and tension, and promote a restful sleep.

8. Eases uncomfortable PMS symptoms

Tired of cramps + bloating? Us too. Rose’s anti-inflammatory properties can help relieve uncomfortable PMS symptoms like bloating, cramps, headaches and nausea. Bonus: roses help regulate hormones.

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